From Pixel Perfect to Error-Free: The Story of Indre – QA Automation Engineer at Metasite
Introducing Indre, the person behind the Quality Assurance Automation Engineer role at Metasite. Let’s take a peek into her world and see why she finds her job so interesting. From digging into databases to making detailed tests, Indre faces a mix of challenges that keep her workday exciting.

Why do you do what you do – in other words, why does Quality Assurance Automation Engineer tickle your fancy?
I enjoy the variety my role offers — from automating processes and writing scripts to diving into database analysis, solving problems, conducting manual QA checks, and more. This mix keeps my workday dynamic and engaging, ensuring that my job is always interesting.

What was the path (or highlights of the path 🙂) that led to you becoming a Quality Assurance Automation Engineer at Metasite?
I was attracted to a position at Metasite because of an intriguing and significant project, ample chances for career advancement, the freedom to choose testing tools, and the flexibility of the role, which would allow me to travel.
If you had to explain what you do at Metasite in 2-3 sentences (or more 🙂) – how would you explain it?
As a Quality Assurance Automation Engineer, my main job is to thoroughly test software, both manually and through automated tests that I create using Python. This involves not just finding bugs, but also fixing them. I also work on constantly improving and managing our tests, ensuring that our automated testing processes are reliable and effective.
What’s next on your “to-learn” bucket list?
I’m looking to explore integrating AI APIs into our daily testing operations.
What is the best – your favourite – tool you have ever used?
My favourite tool is usually the one I’m using for the first time, as they often surprise me with how they can simplify daily tasks, with recent favourites being the ChatGPT API and Appium for mobile app automation. If I need to choose one, I would say Cypress is my favourite piece of software for web automation due to its simplicity, ease of use, efficient error detection, and comprehensive solutions.

Who/what inspires you?
I find inspiration in travelling because it exposes me to diverse cultures, traditions, and viewpoints, which expand my thinking and spark new ideas. It also sharpens my problem-solving abilities, which are valuable in both personal and professional aspects of life.
What does #MetasiteLife feel like for you?
For me, #MetasiteLife is all about a friendly environment, the freedom to work, opportunities for learning and growth, a well-structured bonus system, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and an overall positive feeling that resonates strongly within a team.
What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time, I enjoy travelling to explore new cultures, occasionally with colleagues who share my enthusiasm for adventure, playing video games for relaxation, hosting BBQs with friends and family, and getting creative with abstract painting.
Do you have a favourite quote? (If you do – what is it and by whom?)
One of my favorites is
Well done is better than well said
– Benjamin Franklin.
In a different life – if you were not a Quality Assurance Automation Engineer – what job / profession would you choose, and why?
In a different life, if I were not a QA, I would choose to be a police officer because I find great satisfaction in helping people, and I also feel that the color green suits me well.😊
What superpower would you like to have?
I would opt for teleportation for its ability to significantly reduce time spent on journeys.
What advice would you offer to prospective Metasite candidates?
I would advise them to stay curious about new developments and constantly work on self-improvement.
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